Friday, March 22, 2019

So Uh Change of Plans

Hey everyone! I know that in a few blog posts ago I mentioned that we were going to go to our filming location to stage some shots. Unfortunately, this did not happen because we could not find time. Andrea and Eva had to go on a field trip and I was overwhelmed with tests and homework. Also, I would like to announce that sadly, Eva will not be in our film. Andrea and I discussed that it would be a lot easier if I just play the role of Alice, rather than Eva. We decided it would be a lot more easier because then we only have to rely on ourselves. So if we need to do a reshoot or something of the sort, we both can easity go over there and not have to wait on a third person.

The last time I acted was in my 4th grade production of "Alice  in Wonderland". I played a flower. You may think that is a pathetic role to recieve. Nope! I had lines and everything and I even had a (brief) solo. Thus, I think that  with my training from 7 years ago, I am ready to reprise my role as an actor. You may be asking why Andrea can't play Alice. She is in drama after all. Well, Andrea still has an injured foot, so she wont be able to climb trees or frolick about.  I think that I will be able to play Alice. Everyone tells me that I look like im 12 anyway, so I guess I unintentionally give off that innocent nature that we want to convey.

We are going to begin shooting on Monday, March 25.  Hopefully everything goes as planned and we will not have to alter the story or have to buy new props. My pessimistic attitude is acting up.... I better go. Goodbye for now.

Haha I think i'm funny

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