Sunday, April 19, 2020

Reflecting On The Process

Hey lovely blog reader! How are you?

Now that I am finally done with my portfolio project, it's time to reflect upon the process. for starters, I started out working with my friend Elizabeth. We had come up with an idea to create a film about a girl reflecting upon a previous conversation and then imagining how the situation could have gone differently. We began writing a script for our film, but then we found out some startling news: school was closing because of the corona Virus. This was a very stressful time for me because I was concerned about the future of my project. I was not allowed to leave my house anymore so how was I supposed to film in places such as school and the park? The answer? I would not be able to. Elly and I then decided that it would be better to work alone because of the difficulties we were having. Thus, we could each work on our own projects from the comfort of our own homes. 

I had to come up with a brand new idea, one that could be done from my home, with me as the star of the short film. I ended up deciding to do a short film about a girl that experiences a breakup. She experiences a whirlwind of emotions and in the end, abruptly cuts her own hair. I knew this idea would be feasible and I thought it would be fun to film. I begged my sister to film for me and after constant nagging, she finally agreed. She was not experienced with proper camera shots and angles so you can bet there was a lot of me telling her to redo a shot because she cut off part of my head, etc. I had to buy a wig for my short film because at the end, as aforementioned, my character decides to cut her hair. Obviously, I did not want to give myself a terrible haircut. Thus, I did not shoot the final scene of my short film until I had edited the rest. I needed to be sure that I had enough footage and that I was satisfied with all of the shots and clips that I had taken. Once the wig was cut, I couldn't film anymore. Also, I had to do the final scene in one take and that was extremely stressful because I would not be able to get my hands on another wig. 

I began editing my film on wevideo, but I realized that it lacked a few features that I needed to complete my project such as detaching audio from clips. So, I downloaded what I had and put it into iMovie. editing on iMovie was super simple. I spent hours searching for the perfect song to use in my film.  I ended up finding an angsty rock song called "The Saloon" in the Youtube Audio Library. After I edited, I created my website using Wix. I wanted the website to be simple and clean, for aesthetic reasons and also because my short film revolves around a pretty simple story. Then, I used Canva to create my film festival postcard. While I had a bit of difficulty at first, I got the hang of it pretty quickly. I was really scared about what would happen to my project because of the coronavirus. However, I learned to adapt and make it work. I'm very proud of what I created!

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