My Marketing Project
Hello. I was tasked with creating a marketing campaign for the company wonder paws over the past few weeks. Wonder Paws “ is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit animal rescue that was founded with the purpose of helping families with animals in crisis, and animals in need of rescue. Our vision is to create a community where all animals receive appropriate care, love and the opportunity to find a home.” The company was in dire need of rebranding and additional social media materials in order to further the growth of the brand. Our teacher told us to split into groups( Me, Elly, Arianna) and then we would be tasked with creating new social media posts for the company, a new website, and some print components so we chose to make a brochure and a magazine advertisement. We decided the target audience would be suburban families in middle to high class. The reason we chose this as our target audience is because we know that WonderPaws is an organization that wants to ensure that the animals that are rescued are placed in stable homes with families with the capability of supporting a pet. Suburban families often have large enough homes where pets can move around freely and move comfortably.
We did some research when creating our social media postings. We wanted to see what pre existing companies were already doing. We chose 2 case studies: Louie’s Legacy and Big Dog Ranch Rescue. These companies were very similar to wonder paws in that they were non-profits and not too large in size.
On the left a dog is pictured with a pumpkin pie and a title that states "Homes for the Holidays, Please!". This is a holiday-themed post that we think is important to replicate for the Wonder Paws campaign as it specifically targets suburban families as they often cherish family time and correlating pets with these types of events might encourage them to add a new member to their own family. The second post is also a holiday-themed post as the woman is seen wearing matching pajamas with her dogs. What we hope to take from this is to make sure to make more holiday-themed posts as well as posts that include both the pets and the people in the picture to promote the idea of pets being family members. Another posting that we looked at is a holiday-themed post by Louie's Legacy. They came up with the concept of "Santa Paws” and dressed the puppies in holiday attire. This is a very cute idea that we could easily replicate that would be appealing to the target audience. Also, on the right is another example from louie's legacy where they are doing something they call pupdates. This is a very cute idea as it shows the pet with the family and tells the story of how they are doing in their new home. This would definitely be a motivational push for families to adopt their own furry friend.
We created our own social media postings for Instagram. One posting is a Valentine's day post which is sure to engage our target audience. The other is a post which we want to do every Sunday and we are calling it super sundays which goes along with the superhero theme.
We also created a website that is more cohesive and embodies our brand better. We improved the logo, creating a dog dressed as a superhero that would represent the wonder paws name, giving Wonder Paws that heroic aspect.
Original Logo Vs Our New Logo
We created a brochure that could be handed out at pet stores, local restaurants, or Wonder paws adoption events. It is a good investment as it can allow wonder paws to reach many people and inform them about who they are. We wanted the brochure to be simple and condense to keep things short and sweet.
We also thought it would be vital to create a magazine advertisement for our local magazine “Our City Weston.’ The magazine's demographics mean annual income is 117,000 which happens to be the target audience that my group had chosen for wonder paws. In the long run, this magazine advertisement could get more people to adopt cute furry friends.
We also cretaed some short videos that could be posted across all socials. We created a short video that features text paired with cute dogs and a short documentray about a dog named Clyde , while explaining what Wonder Paws stands for. Those can be found in the video atatched at the bottom!
Overall, we wanted to make the Wonder Paws brand more cohesive so that it was easily recognizable. Additionally, creating engaging materials for Wonder Paws to use so that they could grow.
Here is the video my group made that explains every component in great detail. Hope you enjoy.
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