Hello lovely blog reader! I have yet to come up with an idea for a short film. Please do not come to me. I had an idea...but then all the coronavirus stuff happened and *poof* gone. I have been trying very hard to come up with an idea, but I feel like I have not been feeling very inspired lately. Maybe its because all I do is lounge around the house(that's probably it).
I watched 2 short films in a bid to get inspired.
The first short film I watched was called PAPER. Its a 7 minute short that I found on youtube. It's about a girl who is trying to make it in the modeling industry. The film begins with the girl and other models against a solid white background. They are all in white tank tops in black underwear. They are all judged and sized. The main girl runs into another one of her fellow models in the bathroom. The model she runs into is a bit more experienced. She tells her that being a model is not glamourous in a way. She even goes into horrific detail about how she would count every single calorie, even going as far too searching up the calories in a breath mint. The short film features shots of the main girl doing everything that the experienced model is talking about: extreme exercising, dieting, etc.
The film utilized music to convey the girl's feelings about the events that are taking place. At the end of the film, for example, the music in the background gets very intense, showcasing that the girl is overwhelmed with emotion. Also, the dialogue was super important because the words the experienced model was saying was paired over what the new model was doing. This film focussed on a very simple story. It was very easy to follow and I liked the simplicity of it.
Another short film that I watched was called The Elevator. This short film was only 3 minutes long. It's about a guy who gets into an elevator and more and more people start coming. He notices the maximum weight is 2000 pounds and becomes very freaked out when many overweight people get in the elevator. He even takes out a calculator to try to determine if it is over the maximum. Then, an obese man is approaching the elevator and the man decided he needs to get out. he then gets into another elevator in which all of the people are coughing and sneezing. That's how it ends. There is very little dialogue, only when the man says excuse me to get out of the elevator. Rather, the film fixates on the man's facial expressions while he is dealing with everything. Also, the music playing in the background is elevator music. This also was quite humorous because the music is so calm but the man is very stressed. It was a very clever juxtaposition of the two. I really enjoyed the simplicity of this piece as well.
I'm glad I watched these two short films. Maybe inspiration will hit soon!
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